Moto Raid
224 pages, 2nd edition paperback, 52 photos, $14.95 plus S/H US shipping $4, please email Keith for international rates. |
Moto Raid
In 1963, Keith Thye and Dave Yaden dropped out of college for one year and took a six month, 25,000-mile motorcycle trip from Portland, Oregon to Pucón, Chile. They purchased used 1958 BMW R50 motorcycles for the trip because it was the only brand of motorcycle that had repair facilities throughout that part of the world. This was an adventure that was frugal in nature, with a total of $1,200 apiece for an all-inclusive trip. Moto Raid (which is Spanish for Motorcycle Ride) details the trials, and tribulations, and highs and lows, experienced during the trip.
The Pan American Highway was not much more than a dirt road most of the way, communications were crude, and the bikes required inventive fixes because of the beatings they took. And the adventures were never ending, from Dave towing Keith for 100 miles through the El Tapón Landslide Area to being arrested as suspected drug smugglers and thrown in a Peruvian jail for three days. Moto Raid is a story in the days before motorcycle adventure travel became popular. Incorporating history and humor, it details what travel through this part of the world was really like in the early 1960’s. Second edition with updated copy and additional color photos. “Story of trials and tribulations of traveling, written in a matter of fact style that is both honest and witty. A compelling read.” |
Ride On – Moto Raid II
160 pages, paperback, 63 photos, $14.95 plus S/H US shipping $4, please email Keith for international rates. |
Ride On – Moto Raid II
In 2013, Keith Thye and Dave Yaden set out once again for South America on a pair of BMW motorcycles, basically recreating the trip they had undertaken 50 years before. This time, there were six riders, and the trip was 100 days and 16,000 miles in duration. Now being 70 years of age, the trip was made in a more accommodating style, with hotels instead of a tent, restaurant meals instead of cans of beans over an open fire, and communications that were instantaneous instead of weeks or months long.
Ride On – Moto Raid II details the experiences encountered on this second trip and compares many sites and experiences from the first trip. The roads, communications, and bikes had improved immensely, but the countryside and people were much the same. This book once again captures the historical and comical nature of adventure travel on a motorcycle through Central and South America in the modern age. “First in 1963 and 50 years later, Keith, you offered me the chance to ride with you on these crazy adventures to South America on a motorcycle. Crazy they were — crazy fun, crazy hard at times, and crazy memorable. How many people at age 70 get a chance to relive their wildest adventure from when they were 20?” |